Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Passover ... Happy Easter .... Celebrating OUR Freedom ...

Hello from my heart to yours...

"We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden."  Johan Wolfganf von Goethe

Happy Passover.... Happy Holy Week.... 

I always worry that you all will notice when I “recycle” what I have written and posted, so I asked one of my faithful readers what she thought and she said, “Huh? When I read something you have written from last year, it’s new again crazy girl… it’s not like I memorize what you write… and besides, who cares?... sometimes people need to read things over and over to “get it” because maybe when they read it last year, they couldn’t connect to it, but this year they may actually need the message.. post whatever you want, I mean it’s not like you are writing daily anymore anyway…” ……………………….. Oh wow…and alright then… all I wanted was a quick “yes” or “no” response… I need to learn how to phrase my questions better….. lol…..

Anyway… sooooo, every year, since 2006, I say this…

“This is my absolute favorite time of the year..!!!” 

This is when I feel closest to God… this is when I feel closest to the people in my church community…  this is when I feel closest to my Jewish friends... because the "freedom" festival has begun... the "Holy" week has begun... and our hearts are filled with faith, hope and love in abundance... .

Every Lent, I try to change and renew myself... I know that my heart needs changing... it’s almost as if my spiritual year runs from Lent to Lent… I recognize that as Ash Wednesday approaches.. I have the ups and downs.. starting off strong during Lent and possibly into July.. then a lull period through to about Thanksgiving.. a little pick-me-up occurs in December, at the birth of Jesus, and then, back to what I actually call, “my fat time of the year”, which ends on Fat Tuesday usually…. it’s not that I forget that I have God in my heart, it’s as if I just forget to tend to my vineyard… I forget to remove the weeds and the rocks and cultivate the soil year-round so that my vineyard can thrive… and, naturally, my grapes become sour… so, come Lent, I always kick it into high gear and go crazy because I know that I have 45 days to make sure I have the finest wine as I rejoice on Easter Sunday with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ….….

Fortunately, there is always a retreat (or two) that gives me the extra push I need since we all have a hard time with God’s “Will”… that’s why He gives us reminders in the form of people… family, church ministries, temple groups and even school groups.. most any kind of group whereby you can connect with good people (notice that I said “good”), can help you cultivate your vineyard… or maybe you merge two or three vineyards together with these people so that you will all have fine wine all the time…. it's up to us really… we have to decide if we are willing to change our  hearts so they aren’t strangled by the weeds... but it takes strength and perseverance for sure... and a whole lot of praying...

In making the connection of the holidays we are celebrating this week, I offer these thoughts regarding following the “Will” of God….

When God told Moses that He had chosen him to free the Hebrews from slavery, he was not sure he could do it, however, he did not throw his staff and give up, he did the "will" of his father and simply said, "Let my people go." Of course, Pharaoh did not listen, and then, God sent the plagues... giving Pharaoh an opportunity to change his hardened heart each time, however, it wasn't until the 10th plague (where the Angel of Death "Passed Over" the Hebrew homes, which had been marked with lambs blood over the doorposts) that Pharaoh finally relented since his son was dead.

When Jesus returned to Jerusalem on Thursday for "The Last Supper", he already knew what was going to happen to him, however, he was going to fulfill the "will" of his Father in order for our sins to be forgiven and so that we could have eternal life in heaven with him and God.. imagine if he would've left the Mount of Olives and run away avoiding what was to come instead of trusting God... 

And so... tonight, as the Lenten season comes to an end and the Paschal Triduum begins, I offer this prayer: 

I am sorry God, although I say "yes" to You, I realize that I continue to stumble, and sometimes, I let myself be led totally off-course by those who do not bring me closer to You... but I am here and I promise to fight the good fight.. the sour grapes, well, they belong to me, but so do the sweet ones that I have cultivated during Lent.. Let me not forget that they are sweet because of You..... Thank You, God, for giving me strength to work in the vineyard.. Thank You for “earth angels” who always help me to get through the dry soil.. Give me the courage to destroy the toughest weeds and the grace to survive the pricks from the largest thorns... I trust You.. Your "Will" be done .... and if I forget, help me to change my heart immediately... as I wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, I will be open to receive all Your graces... Amen, Amen.

May you all be able to change and renew your hearts always so that they are never hardened... remember that you are loved beyond measure and are a cherished blessing to the world.. come drink some sweet wine with me and let's celebrate OUR freedom as we await Shavuot and Pentecost...

Again... Chag Same'ach and Happy Easter.... 

With love,