Monday, November 18, 2013

Daughter of the Moon

(Sitting in the breezeway with my Ma on the night of the November Full Moon)

“I just can’t believe that all of my children are crazy..”
“I have a perfectly good excuse, Ma… I was born under the full moon..”
“that’s no excuse really…”
“sure it is… and since I was born in the morning, both the sun and moon were visible at the same time.. didn’t you notice?”
“Are you kidding? … I was giving birth… the only thing I remember was that when they opened the curtain of the delivery room, all I could see was a vast ocean in front of me… it actually scared me… I almost forgot where I was..”
“Oh Ma, that’s awesome … I love that”
“yeah maybe, but it still doesn’t explain why you are so crazy..”

As she shook her head, (the way mothers do when they are just totally dismayed by their children), I searched the internet for all the full moons dates for every month and year corresponding to my grandparents, parents, siblings and children, to see if anyone else in our family was born under a full moon… meanwhile she was muttering things and I would just say, “okay.. really… wow…” when I was done with my investigation, I interrupted her and told her that I was the only one born in the full moon in our family… she threw her head back and said, “you see, only a crazy person would even google that.” …. Lol….

Regardless, I don’t consider myself “crazy”… I am a daughter of the Moon… On the day of my birth, the Sun rose at 7:01am and the Moon set at 8:03am, therefore, I want to believe that while my mother was in the absolute last hour of labor, (I was born at 7:38 am), the Moon was introducing me to the Sun…. lol…. okay so…. Maybe I am a little “touched” … but it does make for a great mystical story, doesn’t it?

The full moon…. Most everyone loves this monthly occurrence… and why not? .. it’s spectacular to see… and to witness and to feel and be overcome by its grandeur .. and it’s acceptable to blame it IF you feel inclined to act a little crazy when it is shining in the midnight sky… lol…. many people follow the cycle of the moon and probably have never known why they become more sentimental or melancholic.... I, for one, do not even have to look at the calendar to know that it is coming…. And since my father’s passing, (he died on the night of the “Super  Moon” in June)… I think I am even more connected to it… except now, I am more peaceful… I look to the Moon and feel a sense of calm… I look to the moon and feel the beams filling me with more light than any Sun could ever do… I look to the Moon and feel my daddy’s presence and it soothes me…. (or maybe I just want to believe that so that I don’t miss him so much)… hey, whatever works for the crazies, right?

Anyway, as Sandy Miller said, “You have to be able to appreciate things. How many people can say it was a full moon last night and appreciate it?”

 I will leave you with this lovely prayer written by Bill Attride, Astrologer for last night’s full moon..

From the point of light within the Mind of God,
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God,
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE, which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


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